Living the Hight Life

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100 Days of Being Vagabonds. Would we change anything about our RV lifestyle?

July 7, 2020 marked 100 days since we set out from my sister’s house and began our fulltime traveling lifestyle. 100 days doesn’t seem very long and yet at the same time it feels like we have always lived this lifestyle.

I asked Kenneth last night if he could go back and do anything differently, his answer is he “the fridge.”

He could change anything about our life and the only thing he would change is the fridge. (It is an electric only fridge, he wants dual electric and propane. )

If that is his only regret, then I would say this life change has been a success!

What would I change?

Our RV.

When we began looking at RVs I was determined that Declan NEEDED his own room. I did not want to take him from a huge 2 story house, cram him into a RV, and not give him the space he needed.

100 days of travel has taught me, he did not need the space. I did, or at least I thought I did.

We spend more time together.

We spend more time outside.

We do not spend more time in our own rooms. They are mostly used for storage and sleeping.

Do I enjoy living the fulltime RV lifestyle?


It has had its moments, though. We are in closer quarters. We irritate each other just a little bit more, but we are also forced to work through our problems right away instead of hiding out somewhere in the house.

We have no plans to give up this lifestyle any time soon.

If you are new to fulltime RV living or just looking into it for the future, know that it is not all sight seeing and adventures. It is working together as a family every day. It is having someone in your space all the time. It is family time, without a break.

It is making memories every day. It is traveling to anywhere you have ever wanted to go. It is seeing places that you have only ever read about.

If you are willing to take the stress and frustrations, this lifestyle can be the most rewarding life change.

How did we spend our 100 days?

We hiked our favorite Yellowstone trail, Fairy Falls. However, this time we took a friend with us, we got lost coming back out, and we ended up hiking an additional 3 miles that weren’t planned.

We had planned to complete the loop using the meadows lake trail, however, Yellowstone is very bad at marking their trails. Very Bad! Like sometimes all you have are trail markers with no noticeable trail and no signs at junctions.

We missed the turn off of the meadows lake trail and ended up continuing on to the Sentinel Meadows Trail.

It was not planned but it was a good representation of how our 100 days have been. We can plan and research all we want, but actually doing it is completely different.

Sometimes you get lost, sometimes you go off trail, but if you go with the flow, the memories can end up being some of your favorite.