Living the Hight Life

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Not off to the best start…

Ok, so let’s go back in time to March 21, 2020.

Our house is under contract.

It sales in two days.

We are moving the RV to my sister Morgan’s house to wait out the sale and for Kenneth to finish his notice at work.

It was a stressful, emotional day of thinking, “we are actually doing this. We are leaving our home. We are moving the RV. We are hitting the road.” I don’t know if I was more in shock that we were actually doing it or excited about doing it.

However, RV living is more than just buying a RV and hitting the road.

We had some things to learn, like where do you dump your tanks?

It was an interesting hour-long drive to my sister’s house, but we made it. We even found a place to empty our tanks.

My sister has this spot beside her house where there is a concrete pad. The only problem is that you have to drive through the grass to get to it

And we were in Georgia, where it had just rained for 2 weeks straight.

Kenneth is backing the RV up into the yard, I am back there giving him directions like I am an expert and actually know what I am doing.

And then, it happens.

The tires sink into the soggy, wet grass.

When I say sink, I don’t mean just a little.

The right back tire was probably sunk down a foot and the left was about 6 inches.

The whole RV was tilting to the right. The truck tires couldn’t get traction and were sinking as well.

Our home was about to flip over, and I was panicking.

Luckily, this was our hometown.

We had family nearby that was willing to come to our rescue.

When your home is sinking into the mud you do the only logical thing. You chain their truck to your truck, which is hitched to the RV.

It was definitely a sight to see.

My sister’s neighbor even asked if she could pull out some chairs and watch. I regret not getting pictures of it, but at the time I was more concerned with not having a home.  

We destroyed my sister’s yard.

The ruts left behind will take some hard work to repair.

I was ready to find a RV park and just go there, but she was not having that.

Instead, she offered up her driveway for us to park in.

Only 2 vehicles could fit in the driveway, with our RV there, and between all of us, we had 4. It was a crazy week of shuffling vehicles around so each person could go to and from work.

That should have been enough foreshadowing for us to understand how our next few weeks would go…

Life is an adventure, remember?

And we are Living the Hight Life