Living the Hight Life

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Gentle Leader Product Review

Product Review- Gentle Leader Head Harness

*Note: I have been given no incentive from the company to review this product. This is all strictly from my own experience. I will link the product using an Amazon Affiliate link, just to show you the correct item. If you choose to purchase through this link, I may make a commission on this product, but it will not change the price you pay.

Traveling the United States in a RV with a 1 year old and 2 large dogs, sounds like fun, doesn’t it?

Well except neither dog is very good at walking on leashes, they pull hard when they want to go to something or someone. They really want to make friends with any dog or person outside, even if that person or dog does not want to make friends with them.

Plus, have you ever heard the bark of a Redbone Coonhound?

It is loud and deep, and it scares anyone who does not know Marley. She is only 9 months old now and easily excited, but people do not see that.

Everyone hears that deep, loud bark and they see this 40 lb dog lunging to get at them, and they get scared. Then her sidekick, Chance, gets riled up because Marley is riled up.

Before you know it, two 40 lbs dogs are pulling on their leash with all their might to get to something and I am left trying to contain this madness.

It is not easy.

It is so frustrating.

They are good dogs when it is just us, throw others into the mix and they start to lose it.

It is fine when we boondock, but I will be working in Yellowstone National Park for the next 4 months. We will be living in the employee RV park.

4 months of trying to contain that madness? No, thank you!

We had to find a solution. They already had harnesses, that did no good. If I put collars on them, then they pulled until they were coughing and choking. I tried individual leashes of 4ft and 6ft. I tried a conjoined leash that was stretchy and allowed them to have a little leeway.

None of that worked.

We were making a trip into Cody, Wyoming for supplies and were going to check out some products at a pet store.

Instead, we ended up in the pet section of a feed store.

It was there that I found the gentle leader head harnesses.

This contraption promised to decrease pulling and lunging.

I was absolutely willing to give that a try over the pressure collar that had been recommended.

Let me tell you, these are amazing!

They work very similar to a horse halter, under the premise that where the nose goes the body will follow.

It does not block airflow. It does not choke. It does not limit their ability to eat or drink.

It is just a loop that goes around the nose and attaches to a loop that goes around the head.

They can not pull away from me.

They can not lunge towards people or dogs.

Unfortunately, Marley can still bark. However it does not seem as loud, and it does not seem to scare people as much since I have a firmer hold on her.

This harness is changing our walks from frustrating to enjoyable.

The dogs quickly figured out that when they put their nose in the harness they get to go outside, so they are very willing to do so.

If you are having any issues with a dog that wants to pull or lunge, I highly recommend you give one of these a try!

If you want to find out more about this item, check out this link to it here!