Fulltime RV Living, Why would you choose that?

Selling everything, buying a RV, and hitting the road seems a little outlandish. As you can expect, we got a lot of people asking us, “Why?”

We were both in our chosen careers, that we had worked for years to get into. We owned our own home. We were the perfect, normal family with a son and two dogs.

I think my sister actually asked me, “are you having a midlife crisis?”

The answer is No!

So why did we do it? What made us chose this lifestyle?

To be honest, it started after Christmas.


The amount of stuff our son received as presents was absolutely overwhelming.

He wasn’t even 1 year-old yet.

He just wanted the boxes and wrapping paper, not a mountain of toys. And yet, here we were, with a mountain of toys, some of which I knew he would never play with.

It overwhelmed me.

It literally made me panic.

I did not want to look at it, touch it, or find a place to put it.

I just wanted to pretend like this mountain of stuff, did not exist.

That is not easy to do when you have a baby constantly getting in to it.

Now don’t think that our house was just too small for all of our stuff. It was not.

Our house was huge.


It had 2 kitchens, 2 living rooms, 4 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, and a den.  I think it was 2500 sq ft, and it sat on 3.7 acres.

Still, with all that space, I was overwhelmed.

It was like I couldn’t breathe, because all of the useless junk was weighing on me.

I needed a change.

I talked to Kenneth and guess what, he was overwhelmed too. Not necessarily with stuff, but with unfinished home improvement projects.

They were piling up, and it didn’t seem like he was ever able to make a dent in them. He was over the constant home remodeling and repairs.

We decided we wanted to get rid of anything that did not make us happy. We wanted to get rid of all of the home improvement projects.

Somehow, that led us to living in a RV. I am not even sure how we made that leap, but I am so glad that we did.

As if all of that was not enough, we were facing our son turning 1 year old.

He was turning 1 and both of us had worked almost his entire first year of life.


This is a child we never thought we would have. He is a child doctors told us wouldn’t be possible. He is our little miracle.

But his daycare teachers got to spend more time with him than we did.

Our work schedules were opposite of each other, so 3-4 days a week Kenneth would not even get to see Declan.

That is half of the week. Kenneth had to go without seeing his son.

We were done with it.

We were done missing out on our son growing up.

We were done working to pay bills and not getting to enjoy our lives.

We needed to make a change, so we did.

My favorite quote sums it up very well

  “Do not get so busy making a living, that you forget to make a life.”

We are choosing to make a life.

We are Living the Hight Life.

When life gets to much and you just need to break away from the everyday routine, you sell everything you own and go RVing!
When life gets to much and you just need to break away from the everyday routine, you sell everything you own and go RVing!
When life gets to much and you just need to break away from the everyday routine, you sell everything you own and go RVing!


Not off to the best start…