Feeding Rabbits From the Garden. How we plan to feed rabbits without pellets.

Why Raise Rabbits for Meat?

Building a Homestead on a Budget. Comparing Budget Friendly Homes.
Now that we want to settle down and start a homestead, we are looking to find a budget-friendly home that will allow us to fulfill our dreams without a huge mortgage hanging over our heads again.
We want a home that is small in square footage, but big in wide-open spaces.
A home that stands up to all of the messes that come with farm life, while also providing us a cozy atmosphere for family time.

Searching for Homestead Property. What you should ask before buying raw land.
How do you narrow down what to search for?
How do you determine what property will make a good place to start a homestead or farm?
What should you be aware of when searching for that property.
Let me help you answer these questions.

Top 12 States to Start a Homestead
If you are searching for the best place to start a homestead, you may be getting overwhelmed with trying to narrow down the list. To help you, we have rated each state to determine which ones would make the best place to start a homestead.

5 Simple Steps to Beginning an Urban Homestead
When the pandemic descended across the globe and products began to disappear from the grocery store shelves, the dependence citizens have on other companies was forced to be acknowledged.
To me, it was one of those life-changing, unforgettable moments.
Do you know who was not feeling the craze at the grocery store?

RV Living on a Budget: Zero Waste Meal Planning (ZWMP)
If you are on a journey to decrease your grocery bill and free up food storage space, you need Zero Waste Meal Planning (ZWMP) in your life, and I am here to introduce you to this new concept.
I really feel compelled to share all of this with you as it may be the difference between a family spending $200 a week on groceries and $100 a week on groceries.
I know because that is exactly what my family did.
My family cut our grocery bill IN HALF using this method.

5 Ways to Keep the RV Warm in the Winter
I am going to share with you a few ways we keep our RV warm inside when the temperatures outside drop below freezing.

Is RV life suitable for toddlers?
So as a RV mom living this life, I am here to give the honest, unvarnished truth about what it is really like to live in a RV full-time with a family, including a hyper, destructive toddler.

Boondocking 101: Dealing with all things water {Fresh, Black, & Gray}
In this part of the Boondocking 101 series, we will be discussing all things water, which will include fresh, black, and gray water. Because as much as we are willing to give up the luxury of full hookups, washing up after a hike through the hoodoos of Bryce Canyon National Park is pretty important.
That’s right, boondocking does not have to equal being stinky or conserving every drop of water you have because you do not know what to do with your waste and you aren’t ready to leave your site.

RVing and the Future, what are our plans?
Do we regret making such a drastic change in our life? Do we regret selling our home and belongings, leaving family behind, and living an unpredictable life full of travel?

Downsizing and Minimizing. How we prepared to move from home to RV.
How do you give away items you have worked so hard for? How do you choose which items to keep and which ones to let go of? What do you do with the sentimental items? Do you need to pay for a storage locker?
I am going to walk you through how we managed to downsize from 2,500 square foot to just a 40-foot travel trail, in only 2 months.

RV Living Fulltime Cost- For a traveling nurse family (and how I find out if a job meets our budget needs)
If you can decrease your budget, then you can decrease how many hours a week you will need to work to cover your monthly expenses. This gives you more free time and is the key to a happy RV life.

The Ultimate Gift List for the minimalist or traveling RV family.
If you are looking to breakaway from the mountain of single use plastic toys that society has taught us is supposed to accompany Christmas, then you have come to the right place.
In this gift giving guide, we are focusing on presents that can be used over the course of several years. These are gifts that continuously engage the child over a period of time or provide experiences instead of materialistic items.

Making Christmas Memories with the Family (includes a free must do for Christmas checklist)
Living a tiny lifestyle allows us to not waste money on materialistic items, which means we don’t have to waste our life working every single day. Instead, we get to spend the majority of our time just being a family and making memories. The memories we will create this holiday season are the most important presents we could ever give to our son.

Coffee. The Best Way to Make It While Living in a RV
If we were using full hookups, it was a pain to make sure no other high draw appliances were running before turning on the coffee pot, but it was not impossible. However, if we wanted to boondock and run off our solar power instead, the electric coffee maker just pulled too much power for our solar set up to handle.

7 Tips for Visiting Bryce Canyon National Park (Utah)
Bryce Canyon National Park is absolutely one of our favorite National Parks, and it is currently our number 1 park in the state of Utah. Yes, that means we enjoyed it more than Arches National Park.

5 Must Do Adventures When Visiting Moab, Utah
Moab, Utah has become The Town to visit if you are looking to do some offroading or to check out Arches National Park, but we want to show you what else Moab has to offer. Such as being the closest town to another national park, Canyonlands National Park, and having fossilized dinosaur footprints. With Moab, there really is more than meets the eye. So, step back from the overwhelming, and overcrowded, town and step into the outdoors, because Moab is near some awesome outdoor adventures.

Working in Yellowstone National Park, at Canyon General Store
I had some pretty frustrating experiences, but I also had some amazing ones. With any job, you have to take the good with the bad. In my experience, the good outweighed the bad tenfold. It is a time in my life that I would never trade or regret. If I could go back and do it again, I absolutely would, just hopefully not during a pandemic.

3 of My Top Tips for Using a RV Oven, Without Burning Your Food.
It seems as if every day someone is posting in a RV Facebook group that they can’t get their RV oven to operate effectively. Some people have even went so far as ripping their ovens out and purchasing toaster ovens instead. I mean if that is what makes their lives easier, ok, but why?
Why would I want one more kitchen gadget cluttering up my tiny RV counters when I have an oven just sitting there waiting to be used.
And let me tell you, I use it. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.