Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Yellowstone National Park
Working in Yellowstone National Park I get a lot of questions about the park every day, and usually, they are repeat questions. After hearing someone ask for the millionth time about if WiFi was available anywhere within the park, I decided I would put together a list of the most common questions we have been asked to make this information easier to find. I hope this information helps your trip planning go a little more smoothly.

The Best Short Hike in Yellowstone National Park
Are you overwhelmed with the crowd in Yellowstone National Park? Do you need to get away from it all and just soak in the beauty of nature?
Trust me. I understand.

Christmas in August. What’s happening in Yellowstone National Park?
Christmas comes twice a year- once at home and once up here

Yellowstone National Park in 1 day.
Yellowstone National Park, can you visit it in 1 day? Yes, you can.
It would be more relaxing and less rushed if you had more than one day to devote to this wonderful park. However, if it means seeing it all in one day versus not seeing it at all, we vote you do it in a day.

Ribbon Lake Loop/ Artist Point, South Rim of the Canyon.
From this trail you can see clear down the canyon. You get the full impact of how great of a canyon it truly is.
I don’t find that you get that same impact from the north rim.

Fulltime RV Living with Dogs. Our experience.
However, I do want to stress for you to have a backup plan, just in case.
Think about it before going fulltime or getting a new pet.
If your pet is not suited for RV living, what will you do?

Bunsen Peak Loop to Osprey Falls, Yellowstone National Park
Bunsen Peak/Osprey Falls Loop trail is one of our favorite hikes in Yellowstone National Park. It is a strenuous hike that provides magnificent views of the valley surrounding Bunsen Peak.

RV Solar Powered. What we bought to DIY our solar.
It is great to think you can harness the power of the sun and never have to worry about having power again. However, this is a bit of a fairytale.
Today, we are going to share with you the ins and outs of having solar power, what products we used, how much it cost us, and how we did it.

100 Days of Being Vagabonds. Would we change anything about our RV lifestyle?
Sometimes you get lost, sometimes you go off trail, but if you go with the flow, the memories can end up being some of your favorite.

Finding the Trail from Canyon General Store to the Canyon, in Yellowstone National Park.
Kenneth, Declan, and I set out one day to find this hiking trail, and after wondering down many wrong paths, we were successful.
After you know where the trail is, it is actually fairly easy to find, but as always, knowing is half the battle.
I am going to give you step by step instructions with pictures on how to find this trail for yourself, and I will even cover if we enjoyed our hike.

Our #1 Yellowstone Hike
Grand Prismatic Overlook, Fairy Falls, Hot Springs, and the Imperial Geyser all in one 6.5-mile hike.
This hike is the perfect way to see some of the most beautiful features Yellowstone has to offer, and yet most people do not ever make it to the end.
They do not know it is there!
Let me show you a hike that is breath-takingly beautiful.

Eliminating Household Commercial Cleaners: Taking a Green Approach to Cleaning the RV DIY Recipe Included
Before becoming a fulltime RV family, I had an entire closet in my bathroom that had shelves full of commercial cleaners, plus additional cleaners under each bathroom sink (we had 3) and under the kitchen sink. I wanted the strong stuff that could kill any kind of bugs I brought home from working in the hospital. I wanted to keep my family safe. Plus, everyone uses them so they must be safe, right?

Hiking in Yellowstone- Divide Ski (Hilltop) Trail
Now that we have slowed down and are making it a point to enjoy life, and not just live it, a hike seemed the perfect way to celebrate our anniversary.
We hiked what we refer to as the Divide Hilltop Trail, but I just learned the National Park Service calls it the Divide Ski Trail. Evidently, it is commonly used by skiers since its all up hill and then all downhill.

Improving Gut Health Naturally While Living a Traveling Lifestyle
The gastrointestinal tract of an adult is approximately 30 feet long and in a healthy gut, you would find healthy bacteria and immune cells to combat bad bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
You would also find, our bodies “2nd brain” as it is referred to by some medical professionals. This brain in our gut does not control our ability to do normal everyday skills, like reading and writing, but it does contribute to our hormone levels, our moods, our mental health, and the overall functioning of our bodies.

Improving Our Diet in 5 Easy Steps
Food nourishes our bodies. What foods we choose have a major impact on our health, immune system, hormones, and fertility. Let me tell you about how I am changing my family's diet, in easy, simple, no stress steps that you can follow also.

Infertility, Beginning the Journey to Baby Again.
I made it through the infertility battle, pregnancy, and labor. Now, I have a 15-month-old son who is the light of my life. I do not want to be greedy, but I do want to try for Baby #2. I am across the country from my fertility specialist, and this time I am wanting to do things differently. Instead of constant medicines and treatments, I am choosing to focus on getting my body healthy and keeping my mind healthy. As we travel around the United States, I will be trying to figure out a way to focus on living a more natural lifestyle.

Gentle Leader Product Review
If you are having any issues with a dog that wants to pull or lunge, I highly recommend you give one of these a try!

Top 10 Items Every New RVer Should Buy
When we began our RV journey, we wanted to buy everything we thought could make this transition easier.
Some items, like the 10 listed here, are absolutely needed items. We would be lost without them.
However, other items were not necessary at all and they are ending up in the donation bin.
To help you save money, and feel confident in beginning your journey, we have put together a list of 10 items we believe you absolutely should have.

Visiting Point of Rocks, Cimarron National Grasslands, Kansas
Point of Rocks is most commonly known for being a landmark along the Santa Fe Trail. This landmark was used as a beacon of hope to weary travelers, who were transporting goods from Missouri to Mexico. The Santa Fe Trail was a faster, shorter trade route, but water along this trail was sparse and hard to find. However, the area around Point of Rocks has naturally occurring springs that travelers were able to use for water. The Point of Rocks became known as a symbol of hope, that water was near, and that you were on the correct trail.

Cast Iron 101: Buying, Seasoning, and Cooking.
Cast Iron is a piece of kitchen equipment I recommend everyone having. It can be a little intimidating, but I am here to guide you through it. I learned through trial and error, plus the guidance of my husband, how to care for my cast iron. I can happily say that it is now my most used kitchen equipment.
If you are feeling intimidated by cast iron, let me guide you through the basics and help boost your confidence.