Site Review- Bridger-Teton National Forest Bondurant, Wyoming
Megan Hight Megan Hight

Site Review- Bridger-Teton National Forest Bondurant, Wyoming

It has to be the biggest campsite we have been in yet. We have a 40 ft travel trailer and we could have easily fit another rig just as big in the site with us and had room to spare.

The views from this site were pretty incredible, and we were far enough from the main road that we did not experience a lot of traffic noise.

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Site Review- Cimarron National Grasslands, Kansas
Megan Hight Megan Hight

Site Review- Cimarron National Grasslands, Kansas

This area is a prairie. The grass may look dried out and dead, but they are teaming with life. We went to bed every night to the howl of coyotes. We spotted several rabbits, prairie dogs, and pheasants. All of this life means predators, and one predator in the prairie is the rattlesnake.

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Site Review- McGee State Park Atoka, Oklahoma
Megan Hight Megan Hight

Site Review- McGee State Park Atoka, Oklahoma

The good thing is that this park does an online reservation system, and there is no delay time between booking and staying.

I booked our site on the way to the park. If I would have waited, we could have driven around to find the best site for us.

This park is one of the few that I have ever seen with a handicapped accessible RV site.

Wait to go McGee State Park for being inclusive!

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Site Review- Caja Del Rio- Santa Fe, New Mexico
Megan Hight Megan Hight

Site Review- Caja Del Rio- Santa Fe, New Mexico

It is a great location to watch some wildlife, especially cows, as they will just wander into your site.

They do not seem to fear humans, as a couple of them walked right up on my husband while he was outside.

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Site Review- Cow Creek Campground- Pecos, New Mexico
Megan Hight Megan Hight

Site Review- Cow Creek Campground- Pecos, New Mexico

Don’t arrive in early April. At this high of elevation it snows at that time of year. We had planned to stay at this location a few days, however, the snowfall and treacherous road to get back down to main roadways, had us running for a lower elevation as soon as we felt safe enough to do so.

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